Sunday-November 21st-would you believe this is Jake. A friend of mine gave us her sons old dinosaur costume and Jake loves to play in it. I thought he looked pretty real when he was down on the floor and you can't see his face.
Monday-November 22-There is nothing better then a low 70's day at the end of November. Jake had so much fun playing outside. We are soaking up every chance to be outside before it gets too cold.
Tuesday-November 23rd- I came down stairs to find Jake eating icing from the container today. He thought it was delicious and so much better with a spoon then on cookies.
Wednesday-November 24th-Made pumpkin waffles with spiced whip cream for "silly supper"(breakfast for dinner). I love making a big batch of waffles for dinner and then freezing them to have for breakfast. Much easier then having to making them from scratch in the morning.
Thursday-thanksgiving...I guess I was having to much fun eating tons of food and spending time with my family today. I didn't take one picture.
Friday-November 26th- Black Friday!!! I love to black Friday shop it is so much fun. This year we started at Toys R Us lining up around 8:30(doors opened at 10) when we were finished there we headed over to Target. This was the 1st year I had ever been at a store with someone camping out front. Needless to say we met lots of interesting people this year waiting for Target to open.
Saturday-November 27th- Jake is on a hot cocoa(as he calls it I have always called it hot chocolate) kick. He wants it every morning with breakfast and even sometimes in the middle of the day. This morning he wanted to be wrapped in his blanket, but said "can you warmed me up?" He always has to have 2 red straws to drink his hot cocoa as red is his favorite color.