Thursday, September 30, 2010


It is time for the monthly Learn 12 New Things link up with Like A Warm Cup Of Coffee. You can read about the other things I hope to learn over the next 12 months( I guess 10 now) here. 

My new thing for September was to run 1 mile with out walking.  I was tempted to call this post Fail!!!

And to add salt to my wound just as I had finished running on my tread mill I watched Biggest Loser and Bob says "every American should be able to at least run 1 mile."

I was able to run .76 of a mile without walking. By that point my legs were hurting and I really felt like I couldn't breath. I did continue on with walking(after taking this picture). For some reason I can walk 2-3 miles with short run spurts(like 2-3 minutes) without my legs totally feeling like jello.  But running just seems so hard for me. I REALLY want to be a runner.

As you can see I didn't call this post fail. Because after thinking about it I decided that .76 of a mile is like 5 X's better then I was able to do at the beginning of September. So because of this Septembers new thing was not a fail. I will keep working at it. And maybe one day I will be running a complete 5K instead of walking.

When I was planning this post in my head as fail I decided this was probably the reason I don't publicly share goals very often. If I just have a goal in my head or written down in a place only I can see I can lie to myself. I can push the goal back a month and give myself more time to accomplish it. When other people know about the goal I can't really lie about whether I accomplished the goal or not. The perfectionist in me doesn't want other people to know that I failed at meeting a goal I had set.

I am so glad I was able to see the good in this months challenge and if I do say so myself .76 of a mile is pretty darn good!!!

Next months challenge is much more relaxing and hopefully I will have a knitted blanket to show you by then!!


  1. Definitely not a fail! I haven't run in ages, because I don't like it, getting all out of breath and everything...doing new things is often a process, not a one-time item that can be checked off a list. I say it's a success when you start, try, and keep on going. By the way, beautiful blog background!

  2. Not a fail at all! Keep at it...and if you really want to be a runner try the Couch to 5k plan ( It took me from being out of breath after running for 30 seconds to running three miles in no time.

  3. Great job! Soon you'll be running your first 5K like me! You can do it!

    Here's my 12 new things post:


  4. I think that is great!! I'd also like to be a runner and tried back in the summer (from scratch) and did not do so well! Keep going!!!
