Sunday-November 28th- We got our Christmas tree today! This was the earliest we have ever gotten our tree. Jake was so into looking at all the trees.
Monday-November 29th- We introduced Elf on the Shelf this year. When Jake woke up this morning the elf was waiting for him. We went through cutesy names like jingles, elfie, after lots of nos from Jake Jason started throwing random names out. Jake settled on Timmy. Now Timmy the elf sits around our house and Jake loves to find him each morning and he tells everyone about him when we are out places.
Tuesday & Wednesday have no pictures.
Thursday-December 2nd-Jake often stands like this in the kitchen, but today he looked so grown up standing there. He really is turning into a little boy right before our eyes.
Friday-December 3rd-We went to Gingerbread house party with some of our sweet friends. Jake was much more interested in eating all the candy for the house, but here was a rare moment of him actually concentrating on placing candy on the house.
Saturday-December 4th-Our family went with my sister's family to a local light display. At the end they had fun activities for kids along with the biggest marshmallows ever to roast and hot chocolate.
I love the Elf on a shelf idea! Silly me, I thought my sister-in-law invented it...then I got the Pottery Barn catalog in the mail. Looks like you guys had a nice holiday fun filled week! Great pics :)