Can you believe the year is half over? Does that sound like a pessimist? I am usually a glass half full kind of person. But I couldn't come up with a more positive way to say "half started?"
Did you make resolutions this year? How are you sticking to them? Do you need a do over. What better time then the middle of the year to reevaluate and make new plans.
At the beginning of the year I chose a word theme...our word for 2011 is Intentional. You can read all about it
But overall I just want to be intentional with my time, especially as a wife & mother. I am sure you know it is so easy to get wrapped up in other things and not be totally present in what is going on.
I think I have done a pretty good job being more intentional, but as I have looked back over the past 6 months there are a few things I am going to be working on for the next 6 months.
We had our
screen-free week and it really helped to get rid of some of our tv watching, but I still feel like we are spending too much time watching tv. (especially over the last few weeks) I don't want to make excuses for it, but with it being summer we have taken on a more relaxed approach to our days. Usually we are following a schedule(not every minute, but for the majority of the day) for summer we are just going with the flow. Spending time at the pool, reading, and hanging out. It has been in the upper 90's for several weeks now & makes it hard to spend much time outside. But I am taking back our time and working to eliminate more tv time.
The next is really me...the computer! I get so sucked into reading blogs, writing blog posts, and my new favorite time suck
Pinterest. I am going to be more intentional about stepping away from the computer. Designating a computer time and sticking to it. When the time is up the computer is going to be shut off!
I want to be present.
I want Jake to remember the fun we had not watching tv, while mommy is on the computer.
I am recommitting the next 6 months to being INTENTIONAL!!
What do you do about taking pictures? I want pictures of everything, I want to make sure I remember everything that was there, every face that was made...but I feel like if I am taking pictures I am not being present. Do you have this problem? I have really tried to take some pictures and then make a conscious effort to put the camera away. But I still have moments when I feel like I might be missing a great picture.
Any tips on being intentional? How do you make sure you are being in the moment?