Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Baking...a mothering dream

I always knew I wanted to be a mom. And with that knowing came the dreams of wonderful children and the fun things we would do together all day every day. You know the usual, picnics on nice days in the back yard or at a park, playing in the rain, having indoor picnics, baking together, reading, cuddling and making up stories, and oh the list could go on and on of the things I imagine myself doing with my sweet little boy. And some of those have come true some I am waiting to come true, but over the last month my dream of being in the kitchen cooking with my little man has been lived.

It is just too much fun standing Jake on a chair or sitting him on the counter to help me pour ingredients and stir. Of course their is always the yummy part of licking the beaters or spoon (don't worry only with egg free stuff). Jake loves it too...he gets so excited when I pull the chair out for him and is so eager to help. This dream of mine has actually played out exactly how I envisioned it years ago before we even had our little boy to fulfill them. Although, I don't think I ever let myself get to the cleaning part in my dreams...that is just the reality. One cooking day I even got to play super Aunt when I was watching my nephew (he is only 4 months older then Jake) and he & Jake helped make the chocolate oatmeal cookies. So far we have made banana bread and these oatmeal chocolate cookies, but I guarantee there is a lot more cooking in our kitchen to come. And one day Jake will have a cute little apron to wear, but for now he just gets food on his clothes and I am ok with that too. I would love for you to share your fun and kid friendly recipes in the comments. Let me know what you cook with your kids so we can try it in our kitchen.


  1. They look like they had a blast! The last thing I baked with Em was monkey bars. They were easy to make and healthy too!

  2. Would love the recipe for Monkey Bars. I love easy & healthy.

  3. I love when my oldest comes in the kitchen to make something too! So much fun and I think it helps to teach them all kinds of things. From reading recipes, to understanding measurements and all the basics of cooking!

  4. This is awesome, and like the previous post said, cooking with kids is excellent for so many reasons. Do you remember Nicholas' "World Famous Sandwich?" You can start out with making a peanut butter sandwich and go from there. The bonding is forever, and who knows, like Nicholas, Jake could turn out to be a great chef.

  5. Oooh. Those chocolate oatmeal cookies look DELICIOUS. We like to make granola bars, muffins, and peanut butter balls around here. :)
