Tuesday, December 6, 2011

32 weeks

I am now 8 months pregnant. I really can't believe how close we are to meeting our little Lily Kate.

My c-section is scheduled for January 23rd. I am still holding out that she will come on her own & I will have a chance at a vbac. Because of my previous c-section my doctor's office won't induce & they won't let me go to my due date. Which leaves everything up to Lily to be ready to come on her own. I am a little more ok with the c-section now. However, it is still not my ideal way to welcome our baby girl. I want a vbac so that my baby can be handed directly to me when she comes out. Not just shown to me all wrapped up as her & her Daddy leave the operating room. The recovery from a vaginal delivery is so much easier than a c-section. I really wonder about taking care of a baby & Jake after a c-section. I know Jason will be here to help & of course my parents & Jason's parents are going to be able to help too.

Sorry about this months pictures...we are still using our half broken camera & of course this is the best picture we could get today.

I have my next doctors appointment on December 12th with another ultrasound. At my last appointment she was breech...I think she might still be that way. I still feel all her movement in the same spot as before...so I am thinking she hasn't turned. But I could be wrong. Starting with my appointment on the 12th I will then be going to the doctor twice a week until she is born. Monday's will be an ultrasound & then on Thursday I go back for an NST. This is all because of my gestational diabetes. I had the same thing with Jake. At the end they want to keep a closer watch that she is not getting too big.

Holy heart burn...I have the worst heart burn of my life. It has been bad throughout my pregnancy, but now it is pretty much an all day thing. But it is the small inconveniences to having a baby.

Everything else is going great! Trying to take it all in before it is all over. I missed Jake being in my belly after he was born & I am sure I will miss having Lily all to myself too once she is here. 

1 comment:

  1. Only a month left! How exciting!

    As for me, I still have 17 more weeks until our third little girl arrives.

