Tuesday, June 30, 2009

20 Months

Standing by his bed

Our Big boy is now 20 months old. It is so hard for me to believe that we are only 4 months from his 2nd Birthday. However, there are some days I feel like we are in the middle of that "fun" terrible two stage. Jake is still more fun then ever, but boy some times he has a little attitude on him and oh...I can't even tell you how many times I have to ask him to do some things before he will listen.

He is talking up a storm and has turned into a little ham for sure. He still has his days where he is shy and doesn't want people to talk to him, but more often then not lately he has been very social. He doesn't play too well with other kids if it is at his house. If we are some where else he plays great with them. But at our house every toy the other child touches Jake is all the sudden interested in. But we are working on sharing, and like I said he is great as long as we aren't at home. He repeats almost everything you tell him to say. His Uncle "JuJu" Jory loves getting him to say things like, what's up dude and okay. Jake has gotten really good at telling us what he wants and starts with "I want" and then whatever he wants. He will shake your hand and "say nice to meet you." Thanks to his Aunt "wawa" Heather. We can't figure out how in the world Jake got wawa out of Heather, but we just let him keep calling her that.

Jake still LOVES being outside. He is getting to be a little fish. TOO CUTE! He can hold his breath all by himself and he knows he can walk to down to the third step and his head is still above water. He also will step off the step and move his arms and legs, but just can't get it enough to stay above water. So I have to pick him up, but at least he does hold his breath. It is so fun playing with him in the pool.

I suppose that is all for now!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Play Dates

As a stay at home mom in a great neighborhood, most of my friends are also stay at home moms. Wanting to socialize our children (or perhaps get adult social time for ourselves). We usually fill our weeks with play dates of one type or another. Some times it is days at the park, other days we are in a back yard, or like today we spend time at a friends while the kids play and the mommies scrapbook.

Last week we enjoyed a couple of outdoor play dates. One we went to East Cobb park and took part in the Ultimate play group. Other then it being super hot lots of fun was had by all. We went with my friend Amber and her two boys Jackson & Liam. The park has a big green area with a stage and a guy plays the guitar and sings, My Gym brings bubbles, big balls, and fun crawling tubes for the kids to play in, and of course the play ground is there too. Then another day last week we enjoyed a play date in the back yard of my friend Karen, her two children Nina and Nicolas, as well as, Amber and her two boys. The little kids enjoyed time in a baby pool splashing around, while the big kids enjoyed the slip-n-slide and of course us mommies chatted and sweated off the pounds in yet another way over 90 degree day here. I share all of these with you the readers as an introduction to the pictures I am posting.

Enjoy the pictures...red faces, sweat, water & all!!! Hoping you all are filling your summer days with lots of Vitamin D and water!!!

Driving the car at the play ground
Just hanging out on the ground
Mommy & Jake
Jake looking at the creek from the bridge
Listening to the musician
Mrs. Amber and Jake with Amber's sunglasses
Jake with the sunglasses...cool dude
Standing by the stage with his balloon
Jake & Nina
Jake, Nina, & Liam

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to my wonderful husband Jason!!1 To my Dad, Don and Stepdad, Mike and Jason's dad Jack! All of you are such great father's and we wouldn't be where we are today with out you guys!

Jason is such an amazing dad to Jake. It warms my heart and makes me so happy to see the two of them together. It only makes it sweeter that Jake is all about his Daddy! Jason is so loving and patient and loves to play with Jake! I always knew Jason would be a great Dad, but seeing him just makes it all the better! I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful husband and Jake is blessed with an amazing Daddy!

Love to you all!!

Here are a few pictures of Jake helping Jason open his Father's Day present. A playstation 3 and guitar hero!

Friday, June 19, 2009

The future has become the present

You might remember that during the early fall of last year we predicted that in a couple of years Jake would be doing the same thing Tyler was doing then. We said we were getting a peak at our future. Our future has now become our present

Here is Jake "helping" Jason mow the grass
The Prediction of last year has become the present

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I think he was done with pictures
Just a cute pic...you can see the grass on the bottom of his foot

Looking like a model...too cute and serious
Grumpy face...but love the frame around us
Me & Jason...so in love!!
I just got some of the pictures back from my friend Amber, you may remember she took our pics in May. Well, the pictures are great and I thought I would share a few with you here. I am not sharing all of them because some I am going to print for family and don't want them to see until I give them the pictures. But here are a few that I really like, but won't be giving to family (unless of course you really want a copy of a picture I show).

Friday, June 12, 2009

A day at the pool

Ready with his water shooter

Daddy & Jake
Caleb & Jake with their water shooters
Can you see Jake standing between Jory & Jason?
His favorite spot

Copying Daddy & Uncle Jory kneeling to fill the shooter

It is officially pool season here. It was delayed some by the rain. And apparently the rain hasn't gotten the message that is is summer. Although, it has moved back to only in the evenings which still leaves plenty of pool time. Last year was very easy with Jake, he just hung out in his little float and thought it was the best. This year is a little different. He loves the pool, but he can climb in and out on his own and doesn't really care for the jet ski float we got him this year. He is really good about just sitting on the top step and playing with the toys. But this only last a few minutes and then he is climbing out of the pool. All of that is fine...once he is out he just walks around and plays. But most of the time he heads to the swing set that my parents have in their back yard and continuously says "Mommy, I want to wee" Which is what he calls the swing...I am guessing because any time anyone is pushing him we/he says "wee." But then once he realizes that I am not going to put him back on the swing he decides he wants back in the pool. Which is a heart attack waiting to happen. 1st he usually heads to the side near the deep end, then he is reminded he has to get in at the steps, but he tries to just step into the pool and yet again I have to remind him to turn around and get in like he goes down the steps. He will usually listen and does fine getting in. A lot of the time I just help him in and set him on the step. I thought you all would enjoy some pics of Jake enjoying a day at the pool. Of course Caleb & Jake both have to be in on the action. So when Uncle "juju" (jory) and Daddy starting having a water gun fight with Aunt Heather they were right there trying to get in on the fun.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Love You!!

Jake has started saying "love you" and it is the cutest thing ever!! Just had to get it on video to keep forever and of course to share.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

18 Month check up(but really 19 months)

I think I mentioned before that I had to change Jake's 18 month check up and today was the earliest they had available.

As usual Jake is doing great!! He weighs 26 pounds which is the 50th percentile and is 31 inches long the 20th percentile. So he is short!! Hopefully he will be tall! But we will see. He might have a late growth spurt. He had to get 2 shots. He cried more that the nurse was touching him then he did about the actual shot. And he cried just as hard when I put him on the scale to be weighed(I was standing right there) as he did when he got the shots. Ugh...he just doesn't want anyone he doesn't know messing with him. And I guess it is the doctors office and most of the time it is no fun there.

Jake's blister (from his burn) popped last night. Which ended up being perfect timing. The doctor was able to look at it today. He said that as far as burns go, Jake's looks good. Doesn't look infected at all. And that the correct treatment for a burn is to leave the blister alone. As long as there is a blister the inside can heal. But now that the blister has popped he wants me to put some cream on it and just watch for signs of infections. But the doctor said it seems to be healing pretty quickly so it should be totally healed in a week or so. I feel much better knowing that it wasn't too serious. He did share a story with me. Yesterday one of his patients was brought in by the grandmother. The Grandmother had tripped and fell on top of the baby. The grandmother broke her shoulder and the babies arm. So I didn't feel so bad about his burn. (but still feel a little bad about it).

I guess that is all for the doctor update. He goes back for his 2 year check up.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Worst Mom of The Year Goes To.....

ME!!! Well, maybe not really, but that is certainly how I felt.

Little back story first. I get ready(make-up, hair, ect) in the down stairs half bath. This way Jake can play with his toys or watch Playhouse Disney while I get ready. So Thursday I was getting ready to go to my book club. Jake was playing so nicely in his play room. I heard my phone alert for a text message so I walked out of the bathroom to grab my phone. As soon as I opened the phone to read my text message. Jake started crying. Not like, his screaming hurt crying, but still crying. I went into the bathroom and found him with my curling iron in his hand(not the hot part), but he had touched the hot part with his other hand. Immediately I pick him up, he seems to be better once I give him his paci, but I run his hand under cool water. He thinks he is washing his hands so he has no problem with the almost 10 minutes I want him to keep his hand under water. Of course he pretty much hand an instant blister on the palm side of his index finger.

Me, having no idea what to do for a burn went upstairs to the trusty internet. I brought Jake with me into the computer room and he acted like nothing had happened and was playing and getting into stuff. I look over at him to find him with a green sharpie in his hand and green stripes on his face. Umm...yeah those stripes didn't totally wipe off so even on Friday he still had the stripes on his face.

Back, to the burn. Basically I am supposed to leave it alone until the blisters pop and then keep it clean and dry so it doesn't get infected. But don't cover it because it needs air to heal. Yeah...not too sure about when it pops, it is on the palm of his hand and he touches everything with it.

The burn hasn't stopped him one bit. The day it happened he kept opening his hand and looking at it. Then he started pointing to the blister and saying "eww." But he hasn't been favoring that hand or acting like it hurts at all.

So there you have it at 19 months old...I am awarded the Worst Mom award. At least for a few minutes. Yes, I know the blister looks gross, and yes, I know to close the bathroom door, and yes, I know to keep him out of the bathroom ,and all those things, so please don't comment about all of that. I don't need to hear it. But feel free to share your Worst Mom moments...or at least what felt like it to you. Jason has assured me I am a wonderful mom, and these types of things happen. And of course the tons of hugs, kisses, and happy smiles Jake has given me since then have made me realize he doesn't care and I just might be doing a pretty good job at taking care of him. (for the most part...and most days)

Just so you know, this picture was taken the next day. He wasn't crying because of the burn, he was crying because I was holding his arm to get a picture of his hand

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Silly Pictures

I thought these were so funny and wanted to share. Jake walked around for a while with these goggles on and if they weren't staying on his eyes he would hold them there or just wear them around his neck. TOO CUTE!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

19 Months

Yes, I know I am a few days behind on this. We have been busy around here and I can only get on the computer when Jake is sleeping so depending on the day sometimes I just get a quick email check. But onto the real reason you are here. Jake's 19 month update. I am sure remember me talking about how long you refer to your child's age in months. Well, 19 months just sounds weird when people ask so I have now started saying he is a year and a half. But for the sake of the monthly Jake updates I will still call him by his month.

We had to postpone his 18 month check up so he will finally be going for that next week. I will then have an updated weight and height for all of you. I really want to know how much he weighs. He is getting chunky compared to his skinny little self when he was a baby. I am sure he is pretty high on the growth chart now.

Jake is talking all the time now. He says several words together. Like "Mommy, I want snack." or "Mommy, I want down." Both of those are the phrases he wakes up with in the morning. As soon as he wakes up he starts with those 2 things. Or if he has just woken up he will say " I want papcis ." Which he has usually thrown on the floor. Then him and Jason usually yell back and forth Jake will say "Daddy" and Jason will respond with "Jacob." Jake thinks this is so funny and they will both just keep yelling it across the hall. Too funny. He has gotten very good at letting us know what he wants. So that is a little easier. And it is too cute to see him and Caleb carrying on "conversations" now. They are interacting a lot more and Heather & I are in for it with these two. But they are so fun to watch.

Over the last month or more Jake has turned into a total Daddy's boy. I love it and think it is the cutest thing. However, it can be a little sad. When Jason has to go to work. Jake will give him a hug and kiss, wave bye-bye then blow him some kisses, and say some jibberish followed by "day." Which is have a good day. The other day though after Jason was pulling out of the drive way Jake stood at the garage door(it was closed) he was knocking on the door and yelling "dada" over and over again. Just breaks my heart in a million pieces. I just love that he is all about his Daddy. And I know Jason is having lots of fun with it too. Jake loves to be right there while Jason is doing anything.

Jake loves the pool. He doesn't really like getting all the way in. But he will sit on the top step and play in the water. And he thinks it is the best thing. He doesn't even try to get off the step. Which is good for me...more laying out time for me!

I suppose that is the lastest from little Jake! He is such a big boy now. But he is so sweet too. Even though he has plenty of telling me "no" and throwing little fits during the day. I still love every minute of it, and I am so thankful I get to be home to see every little new thing or word he says.

Lots of Love!